Xirokambi is a great place to visit all year round.
Facts & Figures about Xirokambi
Altitude: 250 m.
Closest town: Sparta (13 km)
Education: primary school and highschool
Hospitality: guesthouses, restaurants and cafés
Inhabitants: 1100
Market: on Friday morning
Medical care: pharmacy in the village, nearest hospital in Sparta
Money: ATM
Municipality: Sparta
Sea & beaches: Mavravouni beach 40 minutes, Harbour of Gythio 30 minutes by car
Shops: bakeries, supermarkets, gift shops, hairdresser, petrol station, hardware store, general store
Sights: ancient bridge, Anakolo gorge, village of Koumousta, 1000 year old olive tree, excavation Agios Vasilios (in summer only)
Transport: bus (KTEL) and taxi
In case of emergency
100 – police
199 – fire brigade
166 – emergency medical service
112 – general emergency number